It was three weeks ago today that I voted by post on the EU Referendum and I am both happy and comfortable with the choice I made. This referendum was not about choosing a political party but a yes or no on whether we stayed part of EU.
I made my choice to vote leave for many reasons. One reason was I felt that the UK was very much ignored in Europe by the bureaucrats making the decisions without involving our government. It often seemed that we were left out of discussions and fell into line and often compromised being told of decisions after they were made. They often talk of us being a strong powerhouse within Europe but it often doesn't feel like that with Brussels, France and Germany telling us what to do. They would be the first to complain if we told them how to run their countries.
I consider myself to be British not European and like many people I am proud of my ancestry. It is interesting that looking at the individual results and it is obvious that there is very much a divide in our country. Like many communities that are rural I do feel very much isolated and ignored by all political parties. Watching extensive media coverage this morning they talked about areas in the north that feel abandoned but Norfolk or Suffolk were never mentioned once except to show Great Yarmouth being in the top five areas to vote leave. Norwich was the only area in this region to vote remain.
Immigration like a lot of people was an issue for me and I do want control of our boarders back.
I am not stupid and I knew that our economy may take a battering for a while but I believe it will recover and we will be all the stronger for voting to leave I want the Great Britain that my parents and grandparents talked about. I was only eight when the UK voted for the common market but I have now been able to vote for what I want for my country.
I was completely taken aback this morning when I checked my tablet for the result. I like many leave supporters didn't think we would actually win and I feel that some of the fault must lie with Jeremy Corbyn. Like many people I fell his campaign showed lackluster and unlike David Cameron who tried to rally his supporters I felt that Corbyn didn't really want to get involved in the remain campaign.
Finally, the decision has been made and there is no going back. As a country we have to pull together and become the the great country we once were and can be again. I have many friends who voted on both sides and instead of throwing mud it is time for us to pull together and become the country we are meant to be Great Britan!